Patios offer a great place to create a warm, welcoming area to invite friends and family. The materials most often used for patio foundations are stone, cement, brick and wood. A really great way to get an inexpensive look that appears to be stone but is created with cement is with a stamp. While the cement is wet a stamp that comes in various patterns is stamped on the cement. This can also be done on cement that is tinted so the final product looks like pink stone or grey marble. This can be done professionally or by the home owner with a stamp purchased at a supply store such as Home Depot.
Patios can be decorated with lots of greenery and plants. The first step to creating a great patio is adding lots of flowers and greenery. Set a budget for your patio greenery and head out to the local nursery. Choose a variety of annuals such Geraniums, Coleus, Zinnias, Petunias. Add a few patio trees as well for greenery and beauty. A budget is important also so that you do not use a huge chunk of your overall budget on flowers and greenery and not have the funds left that are needed for furniture etc.
Furniture should be comfortable and easy to care for. Consider high winds and rain and be prepared to store or purchase covers for the seats so that they can be kept dry in inclement weather. An ambiance can be created by using patio fire pits. These pits come in a variety of styles and shapes. They are a great center piece for patio furniture. They can create a style that blends or have a unique look that stands out. They even come as fire pit tables. Solar powered fountains and lighting are also great ideas for patios. Driving around various neighborhoods can give you great ideas for patios. Searching online as well as looking through magazines such as Better Homes and Gardens is a good resource of ideas for patios.
Another great idea for patios is insect repellant. There are a variety of machines that repel mosquitoes. They work through misting and also through other means. Machine works in various ranges so check to see if it is strong enough to work for your entire patio area. Here is an idea for getting rid of the little villains: place Listerine in a small spray bottle and spray around the furniture and the swing or any other garden furniture that you may have.
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